
Showing posts from January, 2018

10 Weird and Wonderful Facts About African Animals

Golden grasslands, dense jungles, tangled riverine forest and endless miles of arid desert - each of these habitats is home to its own unique collection of wildlife. African animals have learned to survive in some of the most challenging environments on Earth - and many of them have special adaptations that help them to thrive. In this article, we take a look at some of the continent's most iconic safari animals - and the physiological quirks that make them so amazing.  Read more:

Japanese TV visits T.I.G.E.R.S. Preservation Station in Myrtle Beach


Elephant Predicts Superbowl 2018 - Myrtle Beach Safari


10 Facts About Primates

Hello readers, myself Doc Antle have an amazing facts to share about Primates. Most people have a special interest in the order of mammals known as primates, for the simple reason that most people (well, all people, actually) are primates themselves. The Word Primate Means "First Rank" Just how egocentric are human beings? Well, it's telling that "primate," the name employed for this order of mammals, is Latin for "first rank," a not-so-subtle reminder that Homo sapiens considers itself the pinnacle of evolution. Scientifically speaking, though, there's no reason to believe that monkeys, apes, tarsiers and lemurs—--all of the animals in the primate order—are more advanced from an evolutionary perspective than birds, reptiles or even fish; they just happened to branch off in a different direction millions of years ago. Read more:

10 amazing facts about Tigers

1. Unique pattern  Tigers are the only big cats to have stripes and individuals can be identified by their pattern. The stripes also help the mammals to blend in with their surroundings and remain undetected for longer by prey.  2. Spot the spots  Tigers have white spots surrounded by black fur on the back of their ears. It has been suggested that they act as false eyes to warn of their presence or discourage other species from attacking them from behind. Other theories suggest that it helps tiger cubs follow their mother through tall grass.  Read more:

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross Breeding Dogs.

The practice of cross breeding tends to cause some controversy in the dog world. On one side, breeders of purebreds tend to consider these dogs nothing more than mutts. On the other side, proponents of crossbred dogs maintain they are adding vigor to the genetics of breeds they believe have been bred too closely for generations. Which side is right? That can be difficult to determine. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to the practice of cross breeding, and it's good for potential dog owners and breeders to be aware of them. Read more:

Five facts about good Zoos

Just like our Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo, each day passionate staff in good zoos care for wildlife, many of which are on the brink of extinction.  We are in the midst of a global extinction crisis Our world is currently losing species at an unprecedented rate, experiencing the worst loss of species since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. 21 % of all known mammals are threatened with extinction 30% of all known amphibians are threatened with extinction 12% of all known birds are threatened with extinction 28% of all known reptiles are threatened with extinction 37% of all known fresh water fish are threatened with extinction 35% of all known invertebrates are threatened with extinction Australia has an alarming rate of extinction, with the worst mammal extinction record in the world. Read more:

Black Jaguar Playing with Trainers

Round panther goes chasing a brooms when he stops he gets some pets, pop goes the Jaguar at Myrtle Beach Safari for the support of the Rare Species Fund 

Chimpanzee Getting Teeth Brushed Before Bed


Evolution of Forests and Trees

The vascular plant emerged around 400 million years ago and started Earth's forest-building process during the Silurian geologic period. Although not yet a "true" tree, this new member of the terrestrial plant kingdom became the perfect evolutionary link with developing tree parts and considered the first proto-tree. Vascular plants developed the ability to grow large and tall with massive weight needed for the support of a vascular internal plumbing system. Read more:

United to Save Grasslands Habitat

More than 200 people gathered in Fort Worth, Texas to talk about saving one of the most endangered wildlife habitats in America—our native prairies, also known as grasslands. Despite federal incentives to conserve grasslands, 5.7 million acres were converted to cropland from 2008 to 2012, leading to the release of climate pollution equivalent to the annual emissions of 20 million new cars on the road. As agricultural expansion and urban development continue to lead to the conversion of grasslands throughout the Great Plains and Midwest, it is increasingly important to raise public awareness of this underrepresented, yet critical, biome that is decreasing at an alarming rate. Read more:

The 20 Biggest Mammals

Sure, everyone knows that whales are really big, and a hippopotamus is roughly the same size as a rhinoceros but do you know what all of the biggest mammals are, by category. Below, you'll find a list of the 20 biggest mammals alive today, in 20 different weight classes, starting with the most humongous of the bunch (the Blue Whale) and working our way down. Read more:

The 15 Basic Carnivore Families

Hello readers, myself Doc Antle and I am here to share with you'll a blog on Carnivore families. Carnivores by which we mean, for the purposes of this article, meat-eating mammals—come in all shapes and sizes. On the following slides, you'll learn about the 15 basic groups, or families, of carnivores, ranging from the familiar (dogs and cats) to the more exotic (kinkajous and linsangs). Read more:

American Safari




Baby monkeys playing at the ZOO


Chimpanzee Makeup Tutorial - Myrtle Beach Safari


12 Travel Packing Tips


The 25 places you need to visit in 2018

In order to help you put together your 2018 travel bucket list, Business Insider asked the world’s most esteemed travel experts – from the likes of Airbnb and Lonely Planet to independent bloggers and backpacking Instagrammers – for the one destination everyone should visit in the new year. Including three experts who simply couldn’t pick just one location, their answers have been compiled into a list of must-see places to visit in 2018. Whether it’s a spot set to be the next big travel trend or a completely under-the-radar natural phenomenon that you need to see in your lifetime, scroll on to discover the 25 best places to visit in 2018, according to the world’s leading travel experts. Read more:

Travel bloggers you need to follow in 2018

No matter what stage of life you’re at, travel beckons with every Instagram or Facebook scroll. You can go from a Myrtle Beach Safari in South Carolina to the underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef in just one thumb movement, all without passing customs, quarantine, or border control all thanks to travel blogs. Whether you’re a skint uni student, a slave of the nine-to-wine, or a parent looking to get away from with the rugrats, travel-inspo reminds us of the world outside of our own, and the need to see it, ALL of it. Read more at

Why Myrtle Beach Safari Keeps Getting Great Reviews

Our world is a planet full of life and procreation, and a shining example of biodiversity in the universe. But with life comes natural, and sometimes unnatural death. Unnatural death of animals has been one of the burning issues affecting the biodiversity of our beautiful planet. Humans have hunted down and poached millions of animals, to render their species endangered or even extinct. Some of the most beautiful animals on our planet cling onto existence, in very low numbers. This is a scenario that we as a species can work to improve.  Animal preservation is a cause that has united millions around the world today, and for large part of the last few decades. More and more people are realizing the sad condition of endangered species, and choosing to do something about it. Today, there are many global organizations that look after the welfare of endangered animals, and work actively to protect their environments. For instance, the Myrtle Beach Safari reviews point out its impo

Create Fantastic Memories With Unique Wild Adventures

The human race is undoubtedly one of the most developed intellectually, but also destructive in many ways. We have caused great harm to wild animals, and continue to do so even today. Hunting, poaching and destruction of natural habitats are some of the main reasons for animals becoming endangered. Some species have gone extinct, and we have played a role in that too. On the upside, it is none but human beings who are now working for the cause of animal preservation around the globe.  Across the world, wildlife preservationists are joining forces to prevent the destruction of natural environments. Global level movements are also aiming to reduce incidents of hunting and poaching. The focus is firmly on creating safe environments, where the animals of the wild can live in peace and happiness. We can look at the examples of two preservation in the USA. The Myrtle Beach Safari and the Tigers Preservation Station are two places that house thousands of rare and endangered animals

Roaring of Baby Lion


Big Cat Bill | Myrtle Beach Safari

Feed an elephant, interact with tiger cubs, watch an eagle soar, monkey around with great apes, and meet the Liger, the world's biggest cat! Located of 50 acres of tropical paradise, this unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime experience can only be had at the Myrtle Beach Safari

Pool Fun for Chimpanzees - Myrtle Beach Safari


Best Travel Tips

Some of the travel mishaps can be avoided and some of them are just a part of traveling. You simply cannot plan for everything. However, keeping a few important things in mind will make your travels much easier. Read more:

Top tips for taking amazing travel photographs.

Hello readers, I have been a traveler even before I founded Tigers Preservation Station , though now I travel less because of my responsibilities towards Myrtle Beach Safari Zoo . Back then, I had a very keen interest in photography, here I am sharing with you'all tips for taking amazing travel pictures. Get up early. Getting up early ensures that you have time to get to your chosen location and set up your equipment before the action starts. At Picos de Europa (pictured above) we had the tail end of a storm causing some dramatic clouds and fiery color. The actual appearance of the sun, in this case, is not important; the effect that it has on the clouds is where the drama is. It’s a good idea to pinpoint the perfect time to shoot by using a smartphone app such as Sun Seeker to determine sunrise and sunset times for your exact location. Read more:

The Beautiful Clouded Leopard

I've always thought the cat to be the most beautiful of animals.  A recent documentary enlightened me to the Clouded Leopard, a species that lives in the trees of Southeast Asia.  It was love at 1st sight.  Enjoy.

Chimps and Dogs Playing Together | Myrtle Beach Safari

Feed an elephant, interact with tiger cubs, watch an eagle soar, monkey around with great apes, and meet the Liger, the world's biggest cat! Located of 50 acres of tropical paradise, this unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime experience can only be had at the Myrtle Beach Safari Book a Tour at Myrtle Beach Safari Now!

Survival of the Fittest

When Charles Darwin was first coming up with the beginnings of the Theory of Evolution, he had to look for a mechanism that drove evolution. Many other scientists, such as Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, had already described the change in species over time, but they did not offer an explanation as to how that occurred. Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace independently came up with the idea of natural selection to fill that void in why species changed over time. Natural selection is the idea that species that acquire adaptations that are favorable for their environment will pass down those adaptations to their offspring. Eventually, only individuals with those favorable adaptations will survive and that is how the species changes over time or evolves through speciation. Read more:

Things You Can Do to Help Wildlife

In the face of species loss and habitat destruction, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless to change things for the better. But any action you take, no matter how small, will help restore the world to its natural balance — and if millions of other people do the same, there's hope that we can permanently reverse current trends. Read more:

Alternative Dinosaur Extinction Theories.

We all including myself Doc Antle , wonder and wish to know the real reason behind the extinction of the Dinosaurs. Find out the real reasons below: Did Volcanoes, Exploding Stars, or Variable Gravity Kill the Dinosaurs? Today, all the geologic and fossil evidence at our disposal points to the most likely theory of dinosaur extinction: an astronomical object (either a meteor or a comet) smashed into the Yucatan peninsula 65 million years ago. However, there are still a handful of fringe theories lurking around the edges of this hard-won wisdom, some of which are proposed by maverick scientists and some of which are the province of creationists and conspiracy theorists. Here are six alternative explanations for the extinction of the dinosaurs, ranging from reasonably argued (volcanic eruptions) to just plain wacky (intervention by aliens). Read more:

The Origin of Wildfires and How They Are Caused

Hello readers, I am here to share an amazing blog on how wildfires are caused.Environmental historian Stephen J. Pyne, in his book entitled Fire: A Brief History, suggests that fire and flame can only exist on earth in the presence of the carbon-based "living world". Our carbon-based and flammable environment supplies all of the elements of chemistry for the creation of fire.Fire is dependent on, cannot exist without, and must follow the biology of life.There are fire based ecosystems where flora and fauna have evolved and adapted to wildfire for survival. The absence of fire in these forest systems is a change that negatively affects the biome.  Read more:

Orangutan Adopts Tiger Cubs

Orangutan Adopts Tiger Cubs - Original Video from the Myrtle Beach Safari

Tiger Conservation - A Number Game

Tigers are illusive animals and amazingly apt at being unseen even whence in vicinity. Their habitat preference aids in camouflage, an art which they have mastered anyway, and a structure along with enchanting colour patterns makes the big cats practically invisible wherever they live. The predator can sit or stay still for an amazing long period, crouch low in small tufts of grass and walk silently unheard, even whence in proximity. It has an amazing ability to freeze and stay that way for an exasperating time span. The animal can virtually vanish at will from human reckoning.    Read more:

Facts About Carnivores.

Carnivores by which we mean, for the purposes of this article, meat-eating mammals—are some of the most feared animals on earth. These predators come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from two-ounce weasels to half-ton bears, and they eat everything from birds, fish, and reptiles to each other.  Read more:

Amazing Animals That Use Tools.

Tool use by animals is a subject of enormous controversy, for the simple reason that it's difficult to draw a line between hard-wired instinct and culturally transmitted learning. Do sea otters smash snails with rocks because they're intelligent and adaptive, or are these mammals born with this innate ability? Are elephants really using "tools" when they scratch their backs with tree branches, or are we mistaking this behavior for something else? Following you'll learn about 11 tool-using animals; you can decide for yourself just how smart they really are. Read more:

Chimpanzee and Snow Macaque Love the I-Phone | Myrtle Beach Safari

Vali the Chimp and to back in the snow monkey/macaque love the monkey videos on the phone at Myrtle Beach Safari for the support of the Rare Species Fund

Take a Trip To The Wild at Myrtle Beach’s Famous Preserve

Doc Antle and his trainer friends take care of the needs of animals at the preserve. The majestic beasts run, play, walk, feed and have a great time. Myrtle Safari’s environment looks quite similar to the natural habitats of the animals. Read more: