Common Insect Phobias and How to Treat Them.

Insect phobia, also called entomophobia, is an excessive or irrational fear of insects. This fear stems from a disgust or revulsion associated with the appearance, activity, or even the vast numbers of insects. Reactions to a feared insect may range from a mild annoyance to extreme terror. Before heading out for the Myrtle Beach Safari it's essential that you know about how to treat the insect phobias


Fear of ants: Myrmecophobia
Fear of bettles: Skathariphobia 
Fear of bees: Apiphobia
Fear of centipedes: Scolopendrphobia
Fear of cockroaches: Katsaridaphobia
Fear of crickets: Orthopterophobia
Fear of flies: Muscaphobia
Fear of moths: Mottephobia
Fear of mosquitos: Anopheliphobia
Fear of wasps: Spheksophobia 

Many entomophobia sufferers try to avoid outdoor gatherings or any situations where there is a possibility of coming into contact with insects. This disorder impacts various aspects of life including work, school, and relationships. A person with an insect phobia is aware that they are behaving irrationally, but feel unable to control their reactions.


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