Different types of tigers living today.

T.i.g.e.r.s. preservation is an effort to save the endangered species. It is situated in Myrtle Beach and founded by me i.e Doc Antle.

Tigers, considered to be charismatic felines, megafauna, and apex predators, have 6 known subspecies surviving in the wild today.The tiger (Panthera tigris) is one of the most magnificent and awe-inspiring wild animals living today. A tiger is regarded as a charismatic megafauna and an apex predator and is classified in the genus Panthera. Tigers are territorial and generally solitary in nature. Tigers once roamed across Asia from Turkey to Eastern Siberia as well as across large parts of South and Southeast Asia.

The global tiger population has drastically plummeted.Habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation, reduced food sources, poaching for skin, bones, and other body parts are some of the factors that are responsible for such decline in tiger numbers. There are ten recognized subspecies of tigers. One among these ten subspecies, the Trinil became extinct in prehistoric times. Three subspecies of tiger, the Bali tiger, the Caspian tiger, and the Javan tiger which survived to the mid-20th century, are considered to be extinct now. The other six tiger subspecies struggling to survive in the wild today include the Bengal tiger, the Indochinese tiger, the Siberian tiger, the South China tiger, the Malayan tiger, and the Sumatran tiger.


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