How You Can Help To Save Endangered Wild Animals

Some of the majestic wild animals that roam our world are also the ones that are the most endangered. The Myrtle Beach Safari is one of the most exciting adventure locations for wildlife lovers. It is your chance to encounter tigers, lions, wolves, chimpanzees, orangutans, and more. The Safari is an enclosure that is spread over 50 acres of lush South Carolina greenery. If you want to see the tigers and lions run free and feed their cubs, it is your best opportunity. We let our guests get close to the animals, play with them and pet them. 

Many have described a trip to our safari as an unforgettable experience. The environment of the Safari is such that the animals run around wild and free, instead of being trapped in small cages. The Myrtle Safari is a fruit of all our hard work over the last 30 years. At the Safari and Preservation, we take all steps required to ensure the well being of each and every species. We consider it our objective to take care of them for as long as we can, and even beyond that. 

Experience Thrills On An Authentic Jungle Safari

Thousands of tourists who come to the place for vacations, also make the trip to the Safari and the nearby T.I.G.E.R.S. Preservation. To experience the ultimate jungle safari you need not book flights to Africa. It is just a weekend vacation away, right in the resort town of Myrtle Beach. It is ideal for anyone, from families on vacation to nature lovers and thrill seekers. The Wild Encounters tour during the summer months is your chance to be closer to our animals. You can notice how well they are taken care of, by our skilled trainers and carers. 

A large part of my life has been spent in the company of some of the wild animals in the forests and preserves of the world. I’ve been fortunate enough to train so many big cats, apes, elephants and other rare species. During my efforts, I have realized that we can all live in harmony and peace with these beasts. 

Protection Is Important To Prevent Extinction

The Myrtle Beach Safari is one of the safest places on earth for endangered species. If you see the way they all live in such joy and peace, it will definitely bring a smile to your face. The Rare Species Fund benefits from all your contributions made during trips to the Safari and the T.I.G.E.R.S.  You can have the time of your lives while making a significant difference in the lives and livelihood of so many animals around the globe. 

It is high time we stopped going into their habitats and destroying them. It is also time to stop the killing of so many different animal species, as their lives are as valuable as ours. If you and I do not care about preserving endangered species, they may become extinct soon. You can do your part while enjoying exciting adventures at the Safari and the T.I.G.E.R.S. Preservation. Preserving wildlife and protecting habitats is not difficult and anyone can make a difference.


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